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Left Hand Side (LHS)

Inside a package it is possible to define a rule (only one per package!). Each rule consists of a Left Hand Side (LHS) and a Right Hand Side (RHS). The LHS contains all the conditions that lead to the rule execution when they are met; the RHS contains all the consequences of the rule's execution. In this section it is shown how it is possible to leverage on the DLS4Gar APIs to properly define the LHS.

Rule Definition

Before defining the conditions to trigger a rule it is necessary to first declare the rule itself; this can be done with the newRule method: - Rule definition
public static void main(String[] args) {
PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
// Imports...
// Globals...
// Types declaration...

The rule can also be enriched by attributes such as the salience by using the attribute method: - Attributes
public static void main(String[] args) {
PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
// Imports...
// Globals...
// Types declaration...
.attribute("salience", "1000")
// Other attributes...

LHS Definition

Constraint Types

A ConstraintType instance allows to constraint the fact fields inside the LHS of a rule (i.e. we want a rule to fire when the Drools working memory contains a BadgeCollectionConcept instance whose name is equal to amazing_collection).
The constraint types provided by the DSL4GaR are the following:

  • LT ➡️ Less than
  • LTE ➡️ Less than or equal to
  • GT ➡️ Greater than
  • GTE ➡️ Grater then or equal to
  • EQ ➡️ Equal to
  • NEQ ➡️ Not equal to
  • CONTAINS ➡️ Contains
  • NOT_CONTAINS ➡️ Not contains

In the next paragraphs will be shown how they can be used.

Pattern and constraints

Once the rule is defined inside the package, it is possible to use the when method to specify when it must be triggered: - Fact constraints
import static;
import static;

public static void main(String[] args) {
PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
.attribute("salience", "1000")
.name(EQ, "green classification")
.position(NEQ, 1)
.name(EQ, "green leaves")

Use the tabs to switch from the Java code to the corresponding generated DRL code.

Constraint patterns

For each pattern used inside the when method it is necessary to add the relative import inside the package definition (i.e. since the classification method is used the newImport method must be used to import the Classification class).

Each gamification elements has an associated method that allows to apply the constraints to the relative pattern:

  • Action ➡️ action()
  • BadgeCollectionConcept ➡️ badgeCollection()
  • Challenge ➡️ challenge()
  • Classification ➡️ classification()
  • CustomData ➡️ customData()
  • Game ➡️ game()
  • InputData ➡️ inputData()
  • Player ➡️ player()
  • PointConcept ➡️ pointConcept()
  • Propagation ➡️ propagation()
  • Reward ➡️ reward()

All the above methods provide a set of other methods to apply the constraints on the gamification elements.
For example, the action() method provides the id() and the name() methods to apply the constraints on the relative fields of the action itself. All the available methods can be found here.


Of course you don't need to consult the source code every time you need to apply a constraint to a pattern; your IDE will suggest the available methods 😉.


In the LHS it is also possible to bind the patterns to variables: - Pattern binding
import it.univaq.gamification.dsl.binders.ClassificationBind;
import static;

public static void main(String[] args) {
final ClassificationBind CLASSIFICATION_BIND = new ClassificationBind("classification");

PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
.attribute("salience", "1000")
.name(EQ, "green classification")

Each gamification element has its relative binding class; in this case the ClassificationBind class is used to create a binding for a Classification instance.

Other then the pattern itself, also its fields can be bound to variables: - Fields binding
import it.univaq.gamification.dsl.binders.Bind;
import static;

public static void main(String[] args) {
final Bind CLASSIFICATION_NAME_BIND = new Bind("classificationName");

PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
.attribute("salience", "1000")
.name(EQ, "green classification")

For each gamification element it is possible to bind all the relative fields.


In this case the class to define a binding is the Bind class.

Furthermore, also the constraints can be bound: - Constraint binding
import it.univaq.gamification.dsl.binders.Bind;
import static;

public static void main(String[] args) {
final Bind IS_GREEN_CLASSIFICATION_BIND = new Bind("isGreenClassification");

PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
.attribute("salience", "1000")
.name(EQ, "green classification", IS_GREEN_CLASSIFICATION_BIND)

For each method useful to apply a constraint to a gamification element's field it is possible to pass as last parameter a Bind instance.

Conditional Elements

If a rule LHS contains multiples patterns their default conjunction is the logical and; it is also possible to use other conjunctions such as or, not and exists: - Conditional Elements
import static;

public static void main(String[] args) {
PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
.action().name(EQ, "walk").end()
.action().name(EQ, "run").end()
.classification().name(EQ, "green classification").end()

Free Constraints

Sometimes the constraints might be more complex than others; in these cases it is possible to rely on the pattern methods that accepts a String representing the constraint: - Free constraint

public static void main(String[] args) {
PackageDescr package = new PackageDescrBuilderImpl()
.constraint("(data['walkDistance'] != null || data['bikeDistance'] != null) && ((data['busDistance'] == null || data['busDistance'] == 0) && (data['carDistance'] == null || data['carDistance'] == 0))")
Heads up

The pattern method should be used only when it is strictly necessary because while using it the main advantages of the DSL are lost (typo checking, autocomplete, etc.).